What does International Women's Day mean to you?
It means a lot to me , its actually the day I got signed to my label EMI. It was a good day to be a woman. I think I’m the first British Asian female to be signed to a large label. Prior to that we always celebrated IWD at school, they always brought in inspirational women to talk and get us excited about our futures. To be powerful strong women and take control of what you want to do.
Do you feel that women in creative fields are supported in their industries?
I think there’s not enough support especially in the music industry. It’s a very male led industry. Most producers are men and we need female representation. There’s still not enough support however there is support from women to women.

Who’s your female icon?
Rihanna. The way she’s built such an empire; music, fashion, lingerie, makeup. She can do what she wants and she’s done it all.
What four words best describe you?
Emotional, Brave, Perfectionist, Determined