Help us Support the NHS


We are all living through difficult times at the moment. Almost eight billion of us scattered around the planet are at various stages of trying to wrap our heads around what the Coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic will mean to us individually, to our families, to our friends and to our wider communities.  

Lisou is a small family of eight people in West London making clothes that we love, and that we hope our customers love too. But we have all entered into a different phase right now and things have suddenly become serious. We are all going to have to make adjustments to the way we live our lives over the coming months and, while governments run to catch up and protect their populations from the effects of the pandemic, any of us who can make a positive contribution to the vital frontline health services should consider doing so.

Lisou’s main contribution to this collective effort is a pledge to support the brilliant nurses who work so hard to make the NHS the exceptional, world-leading care-provider that we are all lucky enough to benefit from. And recognise those who are putting themselves in harms way 24/7 to save lives at this time.

After discussion with the Royal College of Nursing we have jointly decided that the best two initiatives for us to support are going to be as follows. Firstly, we are making a donation to provide funding for the hardship grants that the RCN think will be necessary for their nurses during this testing period. Secondly, from Monday 23rd March we will be donating 20% of profits from all sales of Lisou items to the COVID-19 Support Fund that the RCN Foundation are currently setting up. For more information on their work please visit their website: 

We would like to thank you all for your continued support of our growing brand and we hope our bright and colourful clothes can provide you with some light relief in these difficult times. Stay safe at home everyone.


Love from Lisou 💙